The Latin Translator (est. 1999)
Supplying Latin translations on the web for over 24 years.
Lowest rates on the Web - 100 words $40.00 with a 24 hour turnaround
from professional Latinists, with discounts for longer texts.
$30.00 budget service for phrases up to 20 words for mottos, love-letters, gifts
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Welcome to Quintus’ Latin Translation site, The Latin Translator, a premier Latin translation service offering fast and inexpensive translations between Latin and English to customers worldwide. Our efficient work practices allow us to provide some of the quickest translations at some of the lowest prices available.
Free mp3 sound file for all customers who order a $30.00/20 word Budget Translation
Longer Latin/English translations sent as formatted WORD attachments with English and Latin in parallel.
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Latin, the language of the Roman Empire; Latin, the noblest tongue known to man; Latin, the first world language;
Latin, the language of scientific and artistic endeavour; Latin, still, after two and a half thousand years, the official language of a sovereign state!
© Quintus’ Latin Translation Service. Last updated 9th May 2024